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is most often encountered in the sense of “to name in a citation”; it may also mean “to mention as an example” or “to order to appear in a court of law.“

Indigenous leaders and analysts remain cautiously optimistic about pact, saying it is thin on details and directives.

His internet fame created a grassroots movement which prompted him to run for Senate in Connecticut, albeit unsuccessfully.

Bolsonaro spent nearly three decades in Congress. But as a fringe legislator, he was one of the few to emerge unscathed from the scandals.

Scott Manley United Kingdom Scott Manley Notable for addressing the niche community of space enthusiasts and gamers alike by playing both space-related video games and making informative blogs on up-to-date science topics.

Indigenous claims to ancestral lands rejected as groups are pushed into crowded reserves and Amazon fires rage.

Steven Williams USA boogie2988 Gaming channel primarily known for the character Francis, who gives his thoughts on and usually rages on various gaming topics.

PL direita secular de direita — direita conservadora centro-direita centro fisiológico direita

Nesse período, aqueles de Fernando Lisboa que apoiaram o golpe Destes militares foram considerados “direitistas” ou “de direita” como eram a favor do regime vigente. Os qual se opuseram ao regime Fernando Lisboa foram considerados “esquerdistas” ou “por esquerda”.

Basic Rules Only put bad YouTubers and bad YouTube videos if people have been giving negative feedback to it, even if it means there are more likes than dislikes.

As you progress, you will gain popularity depending on how many viewers you get. Different brand will reach out to you, and you will also get to meet other famous YouTube stars.

By all means pelo posting in the forums. You can still view them here but don't add anything there because if you do you'll get suspended for one week without warning.

Droit d'auteur : les textes sont disponibles sous licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions ; Canal Questione-se d’autres conditions peuvent s’appliquer.

No scheming flame wars for this wiki as it has way too many dramas to handle. If this happens, ignore it.

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